Monthly Archives: May 2015

Top Myths on Skincare


skincare-kitBuying a lot beauty products here and there claimed to be the ‘latest’ ‘most innovative’ and ‘latest discovery’ isn’t going to help you (and your skin) a lot, it might cost you a substantial amount of money anyway. The real deal should come from diligent research and knowing what really compatible with your skin (you know that retinol is not really for everyone, right?). Read on, here’s what dermatologists got to say when it comes to choosing the right skin care products.

There’s a big balloon of myths that people have indirectly feel that pricey stuff (you can look under ‘splurge’ label in magazines) is the one you should go for if you want quick and noticeable results. Well, the case is not entirely true – there is a couple of excellent stuff that won’t burn a hole in your pocket, for less than thirty-odd-dollars. Like I said, a diligent research will certainly save you a lot of money.

Marketing is indeed a powerful tools, they can influence you to think that anything that are in sophisticated packaging with exotic stuff is entirely new and it’s the latest discovery that you just gotta try it out (I remember when the buzz is all about garcinia cambogia, when Dr.Oz gushes over it, when you can practically find them in herbal health shops) but the reality is it’s already been in the market for a long time. Again, do some reading and see if the stuff is actually a timeless classic, with proven track records.

Beauty companies spend a lot on their research department (in terms of millions, thank you), though you might want to be aware that you need to know what kind of research they’ve been doing. If it means by marketing and selling products, it’s a good idea to find other products by other companies. If they’re diligent (there’s the word again) doing the work to ensure their customers get the best, every single time then by hook or crook, use them all the time.

Don’t be fooled by marketing hype that if anything that’s good for your stomach means it’s good to apply onto the skin (in the form of creams and lotions), not necessarily true, as the component may have react with preservatives and emulsifiers, and coupled with our natural oils, that’s where other ingredients is needed to counter the effect. For example, we all know how vitamin D is good for your health, and keeping your skin moist and young; just don’t trust wholeheartedly that d-alpha-tocopherol (a synthetic form of vitamin E) in the cream will work the same.

Packed and straight to the point, these rules should be hammered into mind whenever you’re out to shop for a new cream.