After Care For Tattoo Removal

So you just got yourself a laser tattoo removal and thank goodness it went well. And now, it’s all about pampering your skin to speed up healing process as well as to minimize any side effects (getting burn with a high intensity laser is big thing, you know). Read on, here’s what you are going to do to keep your skin in check.
Immediately after the laser treatment, a dressing will be applied to the treated area and should be left in place until tomorrow, unless there is some blister develops. No matter how curious you are, please don’t poke on the dressing.
Possible discomfort is normal and it happens within 12-24 hours, with the sensation is similar to mild sunburn and it will subside naturally. Be very careful when handling the treated area and you shouldn’t touch it unnecessarily. if it itch a hydrocortisone should help.
Hygiene aspects are extremely important as the chance of getting infected is high at this moment, by washing the area with warm water and mild, antiseptic soap twice a day. Your doctor will prescribe a topical antibiotic cream and you should use it as well.
Scabbing or blistering is also possible ad it’s essential that you don’t poke at it, rather letting your skin heal itself (unless you want a permanent scar to develop). Keep the area moist and supple topical application of prescribed topical cream like Hybrisil, aloe vera and/or olive oil can certainly help to nourish and soothe irritated skin, until the crusting is gone.
The same rule also apply, should there is blood oozing out from the blisters – clean them thoroughly and gently and apply the necessary topical ointment.
Like a sunburn skin, you should keep the treated area covered well and avoid sun exposure on the early days post operation, as long as three months as your skin is quite fragile. Even a sunscreen is not enough to provide protection and the only topical cream that can be beneficial is the use of zinc oxide that blocks UV ray from entering the area. Keep in mind that sun protection is extremely important and you or the skin will have unwanted color changes on the area.
A follow up treatments may be needed should the tattoo doesn’t fade as quick as expected, and you may need to schedule it within two to three months.
A note to remember; should you work on anything that involves on the removed tat, be aware to avoid any friction on the healed skin as much as possible, to let the area heal nicely and smoothly. The same rule also applies if you’re working out (stick to laid back types like Pilates to avoid any accidents).
Sounds a lot to remember, doesn’t it? Though it’s certainly a worthwhile, after the last remnants of the last tattoo will disappear nicely.